Agriculture & Fertilizer
Agriculture & Nursery
Asphalt Milling
Asphalt Mixing
Asphalt Shingle Recycling
Cold-in-Place Recycling
Cold-in-place recycling (CIR) involves removing a portion of existing asphalt pavement with a cold planer (asphalt mill). The milled asphalt is mixed with additives and the surface is repaved using the recycled asphalt mixture. Instead of applying all new hot mix asphalt, CIR producers remove and treat the existing asphalt with bituminous and/or chemical additives, and then use that remixed asphalt to pave the road.
Commercial Paving
Commercial paving applications need machinery that can scale down the highway paver size without scaling down the power, functionality, performance, or efficacy. These pavers are able to pave hard-to-reach areas such as parking lots, traffic circles, and roundabouts to yield a quality mat without sacrificing productivity.
Concrete Recycling
Construction & Demolition Recycling
Construction Aggregates
Crude Oil & Natural Gas Processing
Crushed Stone
Food & Beverage Production
Highway Paving
Highway class paving requires pavers that are strong, powerful and productive. These large-scale paving projects include interstates, expressways and superhighways. Highway class paving can range from one lane to multi-lane projects. These applications require pavers with large hoppers, wide paving widths and a broad scope of screed compatibility.
Land Clearing
Land clearing generally consists of trees, limbs and roots cleared from forested or partially forested land that will be used for a new purpose including farming, commercial development or right-of-ways.
Loading & Unloading
Motor Sports Paving
Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Recycling
Natural Disaster Cleanup
Orchard Clearout
Organic Recycling
Paints, Resins & Adhesives
Plastics & Thermoplastics
Playground Chips
Ports & Terminals
Power Generation
Precast & Prestress
Pulp & Paper Chips
Rail Loading & Unloading
Railroad Tie Recycling
Ready Mix Concrete
Many plants in Astec's extensive concrete product line are well-suited to ready mix operations.
Recycled Asphalt Pavement
Residential Paving
Road Building - Concrete
Astec's comprehensive line of concrete plants delivers high-quality and durability for the roadbuilding industry with an extensive selection of high-production plants and mixers.
Road Reclamation
Roofing & Construction Products
Salvage Timber
Sand & Gravel
Soil Stabilization
Soil stabilization prepares a surface for new road construction. Rather than preparing a base with new soil, the existing material is recycled.
Specialty Concrete
No matter what the application, with an industry-leading concrete product line Astec is ready to help you build a plant to meet your needs.